Gardening in the Tropics

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The tongue like a sharp knife... Kills without drawing blood.

-- The Buddha

Gardening in the Tropics
Gardening in the Tropics

In the meantime I garden and fiddle. I have plans to buy another tree today. Sure I am planting on rented property but it makes both me and the landlord happy. I also love getting a huge viable tree for $5 to $7 that takes off like a rocket. The 'Ducks Foot' tree some 10 feet tall in back had it's first bunch of new leaves 3 days ago. I sort of mangled it's roots when I stuck it in back in January. Two days ago it had 5 new bunches and yesterday the total came to 8. Like I said, the tropics it the perfect place for impatient gardeners. I found a Honduras Mahogany, nearly 20 feet tall and thin as a brromstick which I stuck in the front yard. It is happy but hasn't had any new growth yet. With those two and the third one I am planning, accompanied by the weirdfruit and Jackfruit I hope to have our entire house shaded by this time next year.

Thai Tales
Thai Tales (Reload page for more pictures.)

Thai Tales
Thai Tales (Reload page for more pictures.)

Thai Tales
Thai Tales (Reload page for more pictures.)

